Deploy your react web apps with google cloud run
As a software engineer especially in a front end scope, not many engineers get their hands into the deployment process. Usually productivity engineer or DevOps already did the configuration in the pipeline, and we as front end engineer just focused on our code. Why don’t we try to learn how to deploy our code with cloud services?
Google Cloud Run is is a managed compute platform that automatically scales your stateless containers, so we are going to use docker in this step.
Mandatory prerequisite to follow:
1. Install Docker
2. Install Google Cloud SDK (
3. Create a new project in your dashboard (
4. node and npx
1. Create a react app
We are going to use a default create-react-app for this.
npx create-react-app yourProjectName
cd yourProjectName
yarn start
and make sure it does not throw any error.
2. Create a dockerfile configuration
We are going to use a simple configuration, here we are using serve
that can handle client side routing for node environment. Here some useful link if you want to know detail about serve
And we need to expose 8080 port because Google Cloud Run listen on 8080 port by default.
FROM node:12-slimRUN mkdir -p usr/src/appWORKDIR /usr/src/appCOPY . .RUN npm install -g serveRUN npm installRUN npm run buildEXPOSE 8080CMD ["serve", "-s", "-l", "8080", "./build"]
3. Build and deploy a container
We are going to build and deploy a container using google cloud sdk, make sure you are on the root directory of your project.
Build a container:
You can find project id in your google console dashboard.
gcloud builds submit --tag
if it is success, it will looks like this:
Deploy a container:
gcloud run deploy --image --platform managed
and choose some option that google offer for configuration. And if it is success, it will return something like this:
Service [hello] revision [hello-00001-luv] has been deployed and is serving 100 percent of traffic at
That’s it! for scaling and provisioning all has been handled by google itself.